Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 Time: 6:52AM

Weather: 14C
Sunrise @ 5:54AM
Sunset @ 9:29PM


"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha


Sometimes I think that I often fall into a crevice of the past.  Yes there are times when we need to look at our past selves and figure out what we did wrong or should have done differently but we should not allow ourselves to only think about the past.  We need to think about the now and what I can do right now to help me right now.


Yesterday was overall a good day.  Jamie and I got the RV moved to the back parking pad.  Our neighbours will be happy.  We also went for a short walk to the CircleK near us to buy a lotto ticket for last's night draw.  We took Lucy with us.  She is not doing good at all.  She barely made it back.  Poor girl is getting so old.  I don't want to face the decision we are going to have to make soon about her.  She is having a harder and harder time getting around.


Got an email from the Megan's landlord yesterday with the new lease for us to sign, her roommate is officially off the lease, the locks on the apartment have been changed and it has been conformed that she was the one that complained to the management about her boyfriend.  The roommate has gotten almost everything out, just left her bed and a lot of garbage.  So glad that the landlord changed the locks and that this girl no longer has any right to be in the suite at all.


Mackenzie spent the night again last night at our house.  I'm starting to get concerned about it.  He is claiming that his place is just too hot but I am starting to think it is something else.  When he gets back from work today we are going to have a talk.  


Melissa is relaxing this summer.

Yesterday's Stats

Steps: 11.107
Floors: 9
Zone Minutes: 79

This morning I am thankful for

  1. making my step goal yesterday
  2. my job that allows me to work my own hours
  3. the new trees that are growing around the stumps of my old ones

5% Challenge/NO BS Update 

    Yesterday was not a good day.  I did mostly random eating and no meals.  This week's 5% challenge is to have no random eating.  While I did only eat things that were on my NOBS plan.  I ate way past satisfied to full and maybe even past that.  I am getting better at making my daily plans.


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     Time: 7:31AM Weather: 15C Sunrise @ 6:28AM Sunset @ 8:46PM "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativi...